Thursday, February 5, 2009

2 more for Jay

So before I went skiing tomorrow, I thought I'd update the blog (during class...). So the last 2 times I went:

January 23
So it was Mara, Alexa, Tony, and I on this fine Friday. I warmed up with Mar a few times on the Metro Quad and then we joined up and skied with Tony and Alexa for the rest of the day. I was actually very surprised with Mara fairly keeping up with us... she improved tenfold since last time. Although they didn't get any new snow, Alexa Tony and I found some really good stashes in Beaver Pond and Andre's. Tony and I decided to hit up NWP towards the end of the day, however it wasn't worth it. Definitely not enough snowpack for the gnarliness.

January 29
Tony and I decided to skip school and hit Jay for good reason: 14+" of fresh. We left at 6:15am and got there around 8:30. The lifts don't start turning until 9am, but there was already a line once we go there. So we hurried to get our equipment on, and we were in line around 5 of. We were on the first round of chairs and hit up the trail right under the bonnie. First tracks = freakin sweet. We hit that drop right in the beginning so well with such a soft landing. Then we went into Deliverance next. There are 2 drops in there - a smaller one, and a ~15footer. Tony and I hit both right away. Perfect conditions for it. It was so great. Basically fresh stashes almost every run. Made our way over to Beaver Pond and had one of my worst runs ever haha. I fell probably 4 times in that 1 run. It was brutle. I think i was just getting tired from all the powder with every run. Then we hit up NWP and it was actually not too bad. Still a little sketchy - maybe 1 more snowfall and it should be good. Great day, though - we peaced out at 130... we were spent.

So, no big snow for tomorrow, but it will still be good hopefully.

Still can't find my camera connecter...