Monday, January 19, 2009

Jay. Stratton. Jay.

So it's been awhile since i've posted... SORRY!

So this goes back before christmas when Mara and I went to Jay. It was cool because I decided to ski so we'd be on the same level. It was different but a lot of fun. We just stuck to the groomers because of our awesome skills. By the end of the day Mara was able to make it from summit to base no problem. It was a lot of fun.

Then Steve and I went to Stratton for the day sometime around Christmas. It was really cool because he and I went the night before and stayed at his buddy's place who owns a condo on the hill. Woke up nice and early for first lift. Some great freshies in the woods, however it was really freezing. REALLY freezing.

Then I had one of the best days of skiing in my life. Trav, Jen and I went to Jay on Thursday January 8. Absolutely unbelievable. So much snow, so little people. We hit up my customary powder warm-up run right underneath the Bonnie. Then we just screwed around all day (mostly in the woods) and everywhere we went there were fresh runs. Had an unbelievable run through Andre's paradise/beaver pond.

Unfortunately, i can't find my cord for my camera, so I'm unable to post pics/vids. And I'll be more up to date with postings from now on. Hopefully i'll be going on friday.

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